15 December 2010

Got Your Nose

I now ride a different bus home from school, sometimes. All in all, this is a pretty good solution to the whole Bus-Driver-Who-Hates-Us thing. Because we end up actually closer to our house, in town (where we can buy food if we so desire) and have the added bonus of getting to sit with segundo de basica students.

These 6 year olds are my favorite. Jharyf and Joel are very energetic, and they sit with me and offer me licks of their lollypops and ask me to do magic (Dad, the taking off of the finger trick works wonders, let me tell you). They get extremely excited about EVERYTHING, for instance when I do the whole "Got your nose" trick. And sometimes, they say very random things like "I'm hungry, I think I'll eat your ear". But all in all, I really like that these students like me, and sit with me on the bus, and wave frenetically when I get off and say "No te vayas...Bye profe bye profe!"*.

I think I actually like kids now.

*Don't go...bye teacher bye teacher!


  1. I'm glad you no longer ride the bust with the Bus-Driver-Who-Hates-You. And I'm glad that you like kids, and teach cute ones. And I'm glad it's the end of the semester. And oh goodness, I MISS YOU!

  2. Gee, that didn't take too long! Kids are AWESOME, that's what keeps me doing my business - KIDS LIKE YOU - all make it a fun and wonderful experience each summer. Oh, hey, and work. Truthfully, you have passed the kid stage and these blogs more than prove it - over and over again. Miss you.... Have a great New Years Celebration.... whatever crazy fun thing you try!
