Disclaimer: this is (mostly) unrelated to my travels to Ecuador. Instead, this is (mostly) about one of my best friends and emotional twin, Elika.
Because Elika is amazing, and has mentioned me in her blog multiple times, and because its been a while since I indulged in my top 10 lists, here are, in no particular order, the Top 10 reasons I love having Elika in my life (albeit 5,613 miles away. Thank you google maps.)
10. She is my emotional twin. Which, for those of you who don't know, means that where other people are similar on the outside, we are similar on the inside. So physically, we are peas and carrots, but emotionally, we are carrots and carrots. Yum, vegetables.
9.She has amazing curly hair, which can be used to make mustaches.
8. She is in the business of surprise weddings, which is going to be the next big trend in event planning.
7. Her family is pretty amazing. They put up with a lot of youth devotionals and sleepovers and showering in the early morning, and I have had a lot of fun times with them which include Balderdash, nerf wars, body bags, super spying at Fred Meyers, and cats.
6. If she married someone with the last name of Book, her name would be Elika Roohi Book.
5. She is unafraid of weird looks (in fact sometimes she tries to get them) and completely immune to societal pressures of conformity. Which allows her to do amazing things like wear tights on Sundays, dance like a jellyfish, and bring her ukulele to supermarkets.
4. She plays the ukulele! And was the impetus of my own uke obsession. Also, she has been my exposure to many other amazing things like Regina Spektor's chord progresh, Firefly, Dr. Horrible, and fire extinguishers.
3. She is really quite good at communication despite distances ranging from an hour's drive to 5,613 miles. And she takes the time to email a person, and share links on facebook, and is all around not a slacker in the communication department.
2.She has really good ideas when it comes to writing songs. And, she can find better rhymes then the online rhyming dictionary.
1. She has an amazing writing skills! She's actually getting paid to write for the UAF paper. Possibly photograph too. And her blog is fun to read! www.elikaa.blogspot.com Go there. Read. It will change your life.
Love you Elika!
I'm glad you don't think I'm a slacker in the communication department! I kinda feel like one cause we've barely skyped once! When it's winter and I never want to leave my dorm, then we'll talk. But it's been so nice out!!! So weekly (mostly weekly) emails are the best I can do so far. But also, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU FOR THIS WONDERFUL AMAZING POST! It completely made my day. I LOVE AND MISS YOU MASSIVE AMOUNTS!