05 February 2011

Some Photos:

Because I had time to download photos today (see here) here are a few I'd love to share:

Hiking with friends to La Lechero

At La Piscina with Kendy and Dagmar, those cuties.

Maryam met some Mormans from her high school doing their mission!

Bumper cars!

The little bus I ride on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Two of my 2o de basica students, on the dashboard of the bus (their 'seat').

Kendy after he received a face painting.

Reading to my prebasica (preschool) students.

La Forma: every Monday the students line up by grade, in their cute little uniforms, and hear announcements and sing the national anthem.

Its a good SATURday

Watching people watch tv is sometimes more fun than watching tv itself. Just a random thought. Because I'm watching some people watching tv right now. And its entertaining.

Also, I love lazy saturdays. Saturdays where I can make crepes (Thanks for the recipe ZOE!!!) after waking up at 10:30 (despite an 8:30 alarm of my neighbors asking to borrow a storybook).

Saturdays where after lunch, I teach my 4-year old neighbor Kendy how to wash dishes, and he gets so excited about it that after dinner, he comes up to me and says "Hey! It's time to wash dishes!" and proceeds to wash every dish in the house.

Saturdays where I can do my laundry, dry my laundry, and collect my laundry without smelling dank damp clothes inside throughout the next week.

Saturdays where I can clean my room, and fold my clothes, organize my life, and recharge the batteries on my phone, nook, and camera.

Saturdays where I can skype with my parents, sister, emotional twin, and still get 8 hours of sleep.

Saturdays where I can watch a chick flick featuring Colin Firth.

Saturdays where I am content.
