09 September 2010


This is my schedule for school:

To explain:

The Green is the days of the week (not a periodic table, as I first thought!) The highlighted part/blue part is the classes that I have or are assisting with. The blue in the corner is Colegio: high school, and I'll be leading the most advanced group of English students with Maryam. The numbers in the center of the boxes are the grades. For instance, 2 means 2nd de basica (or second year of elementary school=1st grade). The 0 is prekinder, or students from 2 and a half to 4 and a half years old. And the C's in the corners of two boxes stand for computers...because I'm teaching pre kinders computer classes (?).
So. Full schedule. And for this first week, we've only been going to Recreo 2 (half days for los niƱos, partial days for the older students). I am going to have so much more endurance at the end of this year!!


  1. Nice schedule Valerie! How big is the town you are in?

  2. ok...nevermind. I found the name of the town, Otavalo. :)

  3. Haha. In my research it said 25000 people. But I talked to Jorge David, who I'm staying with at the moment, and he said there's more like 75000 because of the surrounding communities that are close to Otavalo. But its still pretty quaint! And small enough that we ran into a family of Bahais when we were just walking around town :)

  4. MOST impressed with the heading "Professor Valerie Schleich" they have the right!!! You are going to be BUSY just keeping the lesson plans ahead of the students. I'm sure you'll handle it all fine. Maybe, I could come and take the pre-kinder computer class - I need some help in that area. hugs.... pat

  5. Haha computers were difficult, they were all on PCs! And I'm such a mac girl :) And I only have to write lesson plans for the pre-kinders--luckily, or I would already be dead from exhaustion! And all the students shorten "Profesora" to "Profe" or just say "Teacher Valerie!"...very cute!
