My spirit is so uplifted when I see this. I am filled with this hope: Its like I'm actually seeing the New World Order materialize in front of me. The sense of community is amazing. People come together with a spirit of unidad y amistad, raising their capacity to serve when they return to their home communities.
Sadly, I'm not able to participate fully in the intensive, because I have to be at school for a lot of the study time (although tomorrow I get to work a bit further in book 7!). However, I am helping with logistics, being a messenger-girl and toilet paper refiller when I can. I am so lucky to be part of this!
Today, I was there, but not doing anything with logisticas. So I started reading Principles of Bahai Administration. I really like Bahai administration, it makes so much sense and is such a brilliant way of living in harmony. Its the same kind of wonder I have when looking at cells under a microscope: how simple laws (things move from a high to a low concentration until they reach equilibrium; the polarity of phospholipids) can support such complex and organized systems (cell membranes, sodum-potassium pumps, endocytosis) that get bigger and more and more complex to form life.
Principles of Bahai Administration is a compilation of writings by Shogi Effendi. This is Shogi Effendi:
Shoghi Effendi was the Guardian of the Faith. He worked tirelessly on spreading the Bahai Faith throughout the world and keeping it unified and safe from harm. He also was extremely eloquent and a brilliant writer. His writings clarify many of the laws of Baha'u'llah and describe how the concepts of Baha'u'llah (like the New World Order) can be practically put into action. Here are two quotes I read today that I simply love:
Now that they (the American believers) have erected the administrative machinery of the Cause they must put it to its real use -- serving only as an instrument to facilitate the flow of the spirit of the Faith out into the world. Just as the muscles enable the body to carry out the will of the individual, all Assemblies and committees must enable the believers to carry forth the Message of God to the waiting public, the love of Baha'u'llah, and the healing laws and principles of the Faith to all men.*
Deep as are family ties, we must always remember that the spiritual ties are far deeper; they are everlasting and survive death, whereas physical ties, unless supported by spiritual bonds, are confined to this life. You should do all in your power, through prayer and example, to open the eyes of your family to the Bahá'í Faith, but do not grieve too much over their actions. Turn to your Bahá'í brothers and sisters who are living with you in the light of the Kingdom.**
- *Shoghi Effendi, Principles of Bahai Administration, page 2
**In a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi, 8 May 1942 to an individual believer