So, I am halfway through watching The Waitress. And despite a mediocre, predictable plot, Nathan Fillion stars in it, and the main character (that girl from August Rush) spends her life making and inventing pies. And I really like that idea. Sadly, I have neither the resources or the time to create a new pie every day. But I can invent one, and on nights when I can't sleep, I can make miniature versions out of clay and record the recipes here for when I have an industrial-sized kitchen with gleaming stainless steel countertops and knives that will actually cut through a fruit. And here is the first pie:
I Miss My Emotional Twin Pie
First you take equal parts strawberries, mora, and blueberries, but they have to just be ripe, so that they're still sour. Mix those up and simmer with sugar and a liberal amount of lemon juice. Put the berries in a crust but leave some of the juice out.
Mix cream cheese, caramel, and egg whites to make a cream to go on top, but it should still be runny enough to fill the pie plate around the fruit. Drizzle the juice over the top.
Add a lattice crust and sprinkle with lemon zest. Brush with egg white before you put it in the oven.