25 January 2011

Ode to Jugo De Mora

Okay, so this isn't a fruit (It's actually a fruit derivative, to you calculus fans) and it isn't a mystery. But it is DELISH DELISH DELISH. It probably just became my favorite drink--even on top of chocolate milk.

Here is the experience of Jugo de Mora:

Yeah, I know. It looks like a third-world blood donor bag. But they don't really use cups here, at least not when you buy things at a tienda. Instead, juice, milk, and yoghurt come in plastic bags. And I'm not going to lie, it was pretty difficult getting used to ripping a hole in the corner of a bag and sucking out the juice like some type of fruitarian vampire.  But now I really like it. And mora, or blackberries, are so delicious. Whoever decided to start eating this fruit is my hero, and Ecuadorians are my hero for having jugo de mora, yogur de mora, and fresh mora everywhere. Hooray for mora!


  1. Actually... I was thinking it looked more like a used dialysis bag... But overall this is definitely a new concept. And I still don't actually know what Jugo de Mora is... But it sounds yummy! And hopefully I'll get to try it! And also, I don't appreciated your fruit to math connection. Just sayin'

  2. So I spent last summer in Otavalo, and as I sit on my couch at school, missing jugo de mora because Im drinking ice tea and feeling under-satisfied, I googled jugo de mora to figure out how to make it and this page came up like 4th on the list (creepy I know). sadly, so far all the "recipes" Ive found only include the ingredients, (water, blackberrys, and sugar if you like) but dont actually say how you take a berry and get seedless yummy deliciously-frothy juice. Can you ask your host fam/ecuadorian friends how to do it? I, like you will whence you return home, deeply miss jugo de mora :(

  3. Hi Katy! I'm glad someone shares my love of this fruit! Yeah, I talked to my neighbors. They said you can just stick it in a blender and then strain it before adding sugar and more water. But they said the most important part is making sure the berries are clean, either by washing them really well or putting them in boiling water. Good luck!
