12 June 2011

Long time no see.


I feel like I owe my online audience an apology. There you've been, waiting on the edge of your seat to hear about my doings, and here I've been doing things, and not writing about it. (or is that a bit narcissitic?)

Honestly, though, I don't feel like I'm ready to talk, or write. The end of my time here is drawing to a close. This time next week, I'll be sitting in the Houston airport, probably too exhausted to even cry, and too excited to get home to see my family and friends to think. Maybe during those 5 hours I'll be sitting in the internetless airport I'll be able to organize my thoughts. But for right now I'm caught up in a rush: to see people and spend time with them before I go. To enjoy all the foods (okay, mostly just that corn with cheese) as much as I can without getting sick. To get parasite medication and make sure I have all my visa papers. To pack so when my friends come this week to say goodbye I don't have to worry about it. To actually clean the kitchen (maybe.)

So I'm sorry I haven't written in another month. I've been contemplating life a lot, and written in a journal (!! I know) and so I'll make a few posts about what its like to have an adopted family and then have to leave them.  But for right now, I'm just going to enjoy the time I have left.

Which means that I need to go and act in a abridged version of Little Red Riding Hood with my neighbors.


  1. Enjoy your remaining time in Ecuador! I really miss you a lot...

  2. I'm so glad you've had such a wonderful experience this last year, I miss you too
