Another change I've had since coming here:
I've always been a tolerably deep sleeper. Dad's vacuuming (isn't that just an amazing word? vacuuming) downstairs on a Saturday morning? No problem. Light coming in through my white curtains from the Alaskan Summers? I close my eyes and drift off anyways.
Living here has given me a new level of interruption-resistance while sleeping. To the point where if I'm a bit sick, I don't hear the alarm. I have two roommates, one who stays up late and one who goes to sleep early, and I never wake up to people working on their computers with the light on late at night or taking a very loud shower in the morning. Where the neighbors in the auto shop next door have dance parties on Saturday nights and loud music in the mornings, and cats and dogs bark, and I wouldn't notice if it weren't for the fact that sometimes I have to force myself to get up on a Saturday morning.
I think this is partly a cultural result. Because the general rule here is that people sleep deeply. But I think this is an exciting change. And a useful one. Although the not-hearing-the-alarm thing can be a bit unpleasant sometimes...
I just had a conversation about how the word vacuuming is awesome. ETM. I miss you.