27 February 2011


EMILY IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I am very, very happy.

Also, I FINISHED BOOK 6!!!! And I am tutoring Book 5, which is my absolute favoritest book ever! And my Spanish-power-of-expression is growing by heaps and bounds as I am explaining the meaning of words and concepts during my one-on-one tutoring. Now if I could only finish book 7...

 I LOVE RUHI!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also, on a side note, I am not going on to facebook for the remainder of the Bahai Year*. Because I am in the midst of serving! I am devoting a year of my life, and how much have I already wasted on facebook? Not that I don't love staying connected, but I am starting to think how it will feel to leave here (BAD FEELING) and I want to get the most out of my time here. I'll keep up with my blog, and twitter, and skype, and email. That's enough, huh?

*Namely, Naw Ruz, which is on March 23. But if I don't miss it, I may just not use facebook for longer...


  1. Naw-Ruz is March 21 homeskillet. And AHHH I WISH I WAS THERE WITH YOU GUYS RIGHT NOW! but 12 days 6 hours 33 minutes and 3 seconds. LESS THAN TWO WEEKS! LESS THAN TWO WEEKS!

  2. Yeah sorry, my dates are sometimes off. By a lot. And I wish I was with you! Or more that you were with me. BUT GUESS WHAT!?! I just signed you up to host the March 21 Feast! With me and Maryam of course. IN LESS THAN 2 WEEKS!
